Our Pledge

 To become a contributor in this community,  copy the pledge below, and paste it in it's own post on your blog.  Then come back here to complete what's beneath it.  (You do not have to be a contributor to be part of the community!)  :)

I, [ your name here ], pledge to join the Henthorne Handmade 52 Week Wardrobe Refashioning Project by turning to my refashioning skills and turning old and boring into new and exciting. I am happy to be part of the 52 Week Wardrobe Refashioning Community where we can encourage and inspire one another to be green, frugal and creative.

I have read through and agree to follow the rules and understand their purposes. I further pledge to at least contribute inspirational goodness once a month (or more.) And to show fellow contributors the same courtesy I would like to receive from them.  Including sharing my positive thoughts in comments.

[ Your name here ]

52 Week Wardrobe Refashioning Community Blog

After the above  is properly posted on your blog.  Email the following information to niki.ankh(dot)gmail.com:
  • My name I use to sign my posts is [ Your name here. ].
  • My blog, where you can find this pledge listed is [ url of the exact post NOT your blog homepage. ]
  • A picture of me that can be added to the Contributors' Page can be found at [ url to a picture of you. ]
  • A brief description of my crafting/blogging style.  Or any other information that may be used on the Contributors' Page is:  [ add a short paragraph. ]
  • I do/don't have a blog button.  (If you do, where can it be found?)
  • I do/don't want my email to be made available on the contributors page.
We are glad you could join us.  You will be emailed when you've been added as a contributor.  :)